Gatekeeper Calender

To help employers reduce the number of employees who are ill for long periods of time, the Gatekeeper Improvement Act was established. Employer and employee work together with the occupational health and safety service or company doctor to get the affected employee back to work as soon as possible. This requires several steps. To help you, we have developed the Gatekeeper Calendar. This calender contains a clear overview of all these steps. Fill out the form and receive the calendar for free!

Please contact us. We are here to help you!

  • *These data are not stored by us and are only intended to create a clear Gatekeeper Calendar for you, with all the relevant information in one document.
  • Date first day of illness

    Enter the day, month and year below. As an example, 04 (DD), 09 (MM), 2020 (YYYYY) for the date 04-09-2020.

  • Details company doctor

    Fill in the details of the company doctor (contact person) below.

  • Details case manager

    Fill in the details of the case manager (contact person) below.

  • TIP Create an absence folder for each employee. This can be done physically in a folder or digitally on the computer. Keep everything, including short interview notes. By structurally saving all actions well, you will avoid a lot of searching and thinking later on when you need it for a WIA-application.