
There are many terms involved in occupational assessments and reintegration processes. Below we give more information on these terms.

RIV assessment UWV

RIV = reintegration report. Before the WIA application is submitted, it needs to be verified first that all documents have been provided and that all effort obligations have been met in a timely and complete manner.

1st track

During the 1st track, you will try to return to work at the same employer in the first two years prior to the WIA-assessment. During this period, the UWV expects you to put in enough efforts to get back to work at the same employer, with adjustments to the same job or in another job.

2nd track

In the 2nd track, you will try to get back to work at another employer during the second year of illness. Please note: during the 2nd track, the 1st track also remains obligatory.

3rd track

In a 3rd track, you will go back to work, starting from WIA. (after two years of illness and a WIA-assessment)

Adjusted work

The employee's own job is adjusted in such a way that he/she can perform again. The job can be adjusted in hours or tasks.


Abbreviation of occupational expert

Occupational assessment

An occupational assessment is used in cases of long-term absenteeism. The expert examines the work situation of the sick employee and investigates the limitations and possibilities of the employee, in order to determine how the employee can get back to work. The occupational assessment is an essential part of the Gatekeeper Improvement Act.

Occupational expert

  • is a specialist in people, work and income
  • weighs the workload against the workload capacity of the person
  • gives support in preventing incapacitation and recovering from it
  • actively looks for possibilities in the job and the working ability of the person
(source: NVVA)

Health and safety doctor

A doctor who hasn't followed any specialisation. He/she works under the supervision of a company doctor and is not allowed to make any referrals to a specialist independently.

Company doctor

A doctor who studied medicine and followed the specialisation 'Occupational medicine – domain labour and health' (four years) afterwards. A company doctor is allowed to make a referral to a specialist.

Workload capacity

Literally: what is the workload capacity of the employee? How many tasks can he/she carry out? What is still possible and what is not?

Expert opinion

An opinion on reintegration that can be requested from the UWV. The expert opinion is based on a moment in time and determines whether sufficient efforts have been made by both employer and employee. It is not a formal decision.

Final evaluation

The final evaluation describes the status of reintegration at the time the employee applies for WIA benefits.


Own-risk carrier. After 2 years of illness, you may be eligible for benefits. For up to 10 years, the costs of these benefits will be recovered from the employer. The UWV is responsible to guide this group of people, unless the ex-employer has chosen to do this themselves or has hired a third party to do so. Then they fall under the category 'own-risk carrier'.


List with functional possibilities: this is an overview in which the company or insurance doctor notes what limitations there are and to what extent these limitations influence the performance of the employee.

Partially incapacitated

This means that the employee is partially unable to perform the 'stipulated work' (the work for which you were hired). When the employee is 'fully incapacitated', he/she is completely unable to perform his/her own job.

Best-effort obligation

The 'procedure for the 1st and 2nd year of illness' states what the employer and employee must do during the first two years of illness. Both parties are required to take a number of steps to ensure that no opportunities are missed to get the employee back to work.


Income Provision Scheme for Fully Occupationally Disabled People. Together with the Insurance for partially incapacitated employees (WGA) this is part of the Work and Income (Employment Capacity) Act.


Employability profile. Similar to a List with Functional Possibilities (FML). An overview in which the company doctor notes which limitations there are and to what extent these limitations influence the performance of the employee.


Literally: dividing up work. By combining separate tasks that an incapacitated employee can still perform, a new job is created.

Wage penalty

If all best-effort obligations are not met within the first 2 years of absenteeism, the UWV can impose one year of wage continuation on the employer. This means that the employer keeps the employee employed for another year and that the 2nd track continues for another year.

No-risk policy

After the WIA-assessment, a no-risk policy may be an interesting option for the new employer. The UWV will then pay a sickness benefit if the employee falls ill (again) and the employer will not have to pay a large part of the salary. The no-risk policy applies for a maximum of 5 years.

Suitable work

Work that is suitable to your capacities and knowledge (level of education).

Duties employer and employee during illness

You will find more information here.


Short for Gatekeeper Improvement Act. This law aims to limit the amount of people applying for disability benefits (old name: WAO, now: WIA). The law describes the obligations for both employers and employees and identifies tracks to attempt to return to work.

Gatekeeper steps

  • illness must be reported to the occupational health and safety service or company doctor within 1 week after the first notification of sickness
  • after 6 weeks of illness, an occupational expert must make an analysis of the level of incapacitation and determine if there are possibilities for recovery
  • within 2 weeks the analysis must be incorporated into a plan of action, which will be part of the reintegration file
  • the reintegration file must be maintained by the employer in cooperation with the company doctor. This file will contain the recovery progress and the activities taken to reintegrate the sick employee
  • every six weeks the progress must be discussed by the employer and employee
  • the employer will chose a reintegration coach, who will guide the employee during the reintegration process at work
  • after 42 weeks, the employee must notify the UWV about the illness

Problem analysis

During the 6th week of the absenteeism, the company doctor will review the employee's situation: what limitations does the employee have and what does this mean for his/her ability to work?


Returning to work after a period of illness. This can be in the current (adjusted) job, in another job with the same employer or in another job with another employer.

Reintegration report

A report of all efforts made during the 2-year waiting period, prior to the WIA assessment. All parties who have been involved in the employee's reintegration process provide information: employer, employee, company doctor (who requests documents from treating physicians if necessary) and the reintegration coach.

Second opinion

Every employee has the right to a second opinion. This means that an employee may consult another company doctor if he/she has doubts about the advice of the attending company doctor. The Occupational Health and Safety Act states that a company doctor may not refuse a request for a second opinion. He is obliged to make a referral to another company doctor, who is not employed by the same organization.


An overview of all the steps that must be followed according to the Gatekeeper Improvement Act.


The organisation that deals with employee insurances, such as WW (Unemployment Benefit Act), WIA (Work and Income Act), WAO (Disablement Benefits Act), WAZ (Self-employed Persons Disablement Benefits Act), Wazo (Work and Care Act) and the Ziektewet (Sickness Benefit Act).

Progress talks

Literally: conversations in which the progress will be discussed. During the 2-year waiting period until the WIA assessment, every 6 weeks, both employer and employee are expected to schedule a review moment to discuss the progress on the plan of action.

When do I need an occupational assessment?

  • when it is unclear if the sick employee can still perform his/her own job or another job.
  • when the reintegration process in the 1st or 2nd track proceeds with difficulty for no apparent reason.
  • when the goal of the internal or external reintegration is not clear.
  • when an assessment is needed to determine if the current workplace is still suitable for the employee.
  • when the wage value of the partially incapacitated employee needs to be determined.
  • when you don't agree with the UWV and would like to assess if the obligatory reintegration process is feasible.
  • when you need advice about complicated cases of absenteeism

Gatekeeper Improvement Act

This law aims to limit the amount of people that apply for disability benefits (WAO (Disablement Benefits Act), later WIA (Work and Income Act). The law describes obligations for employer and employee and identifies tracks to attempt to return to work.


Insurance for partially incapacitated employees. The WGA and the IVA (Insurance for wholly and permanently incapacitated employees) are both part of the WIA (Work and Income Act).


Work and Income (Employment Capacity) Act. The focus lies on what a person can still do to generate his or her own income. The WIA is the successor to the WAO: Disablement Benefits Act, where the focus lies on what can no longer be done.

WIA application

The set of documents an employee submits to the UWV to qualify for WIA benefits.

Ziektewet (Sickness Benefit Act)

A Dutch law that stipulates that sick employees are entitled to benefits, when there is no obligation for an employer to continue paying wages.